Become a Sponsor
Tier 1
Unlimited reposts to stories on our Instagram pages.
Up to 3 featured post a month (permanent posts) on our social media pages.
Features on our Instagram highlights based on your category.
Link to your website on our directory page based on your category.
Up to 3 events per given time added to our calendar.
Tier 2
Logo and link to your website on our sponsor page.
Logo and company description will be part of any organized event pamphlets. This includes feasts and charity events.
Featured spotlight on our neighborhood directory page.
Top of list in your category on our neighborhood directory.
Be a part of our email newsletter.
Tier 3
Broadcast events on our feed live. (Must schedule broadcast)
You’ll be a part of any events organized by us. (Free Entry)
You’ll be able to post jobs to our job board and reach candidates located in the community.
We’ll include your business and events as part of our advertising on Google, Instagram and Facebook.
Sponsorship Levels
*Student level requires verification due to discounted price. All others are recommendations, feel free to choose which level suits your needs. You also have the option to pay monthly or yearly.
Student: $8/month
(Includes Tier 1)
Discounted price for college or university students. (Must have verified school ID)
Professional: $35/month
(Includes Tier 1)
Recommended for influencers, makeup artists, nail artists, realtors, creators, etc.
Business: $75/month
(Includes Tier 1 & 2)
Recommended for restaurants, salons, stores, realty groups, businesses with a physical location, etc.
Leader: $115/month
(Includes Tier 1, 2 & 3)
Recommended for businesses, hospitals, museums, zoos, colleges, universities, departments, etc.
Become A Sponsor